My husband, as every Italian I know, loves tomatoes. I mean he LOVES tomatoes. He even wanted me to cook fresh tomatoes over his eggs once! And I love garlic, I mean LOVE garlic….My parents used to say I would crawl to the garlic basket when I was a baby and would reach for the[…]
During the cold and windy Mediterranean winters, it’s become a habit to make some tea around 4:30 or so in the afternoon. Usually by then, the day is winding down because the sun only has a few hours left and the temperature starts to drop again. So what do I do? I reach for the[…]
I love roasted nuts, but do NOT want to pay extra for them roasted. My mom first taught me how to roast pine nuts a long time ago, and it’s the same for almonds, or any other nut you would like roasted. So here’s a simple and easy method using a frying pan. No roaster,[…]
If you know anything about me, you know I am absolutely addicted to baking two things: breads and desserts. Now, in Sicily, the most typical type of vanilla found in flavoring desserts is basically vanilla flavored baking powder. I like to use liquid vanilla, and more than that, I like to use real vanilla. And[…]