Hi Everyone! Ever since I made my first dining room chair cushions for my wrought iron table, I was thinking they weren’t exactly what I wanted. To be honest, I didn’t have a sewing machine at the time (….I didn’t even know how to sew?…) and did everything by hand (….yeah, believe it or not,[…]
Hi Everyone! Today I want to show you how you can decorate wood letters to add to any child’s bedroom wall. About a year ago, I made these to hang in our daughter’s nursery. I couldn’t find any big enough letters here in Sicily, so I ordered them online….they are about 6 inches each. They[…]
Hi Everyone! Just look at it…my embarrassing toothbrush I use for cleaning tile grout in my kitchen….all those grease stains that get caught between the tiles above the stove….embarrassing, I tell you. And I clean the back splash every time I cook! So now, what am I going to do with this awful stickiness on[…]
Hi Everyone! Well, if you love to cook like I do, but have limited pots and pan storage, then you are probably a pretty smart “stacker”. I can actually stack 5 ceramic pans if I angle the handles just right =) The one thing I do though, is put kitchen towels in between as I[…]
Hi Everyone =) We all have babies and we all know how EXPENSIVE they can be right? Right! So here are some of the ways I’ve saved and thought I’d pass them along in hopes that they can help you too! Here we go… 1) When people ask what you would like as a gift….ASK[…]
Hi Everyone =) Well, as you know, I’ve been practising with old baby clothes since Rebecca is growing up so fast! In the process, I’ve learned some things I hope will help any new beginner at sewing. So here they are, my tips and tricks that may help you on your journey to sewing =)[…]
As a first time mom, it was no surprise I was clueless to a lot of baby signs our newborn was giving me at the beginning. My mother was a tremendous help and gave me a lot of advice and tips to help Rebecca ease into her new world; and some I learned on my[…]
Hi everyone =) I know it’s been a while since posting, however we’ve been busy with the birth of our beautiful baby girl, Rebecca. She’s truly our pride and joy. It took a few weeks to become acclimated as new parents, and so far we are holding down the fort =) So for now, my[…]
Happy New Year to all! Well, expecting a baby girl has given me some new opportunities to learn skills I never attempted before…..like embroidery! I bought some plain white fabric at the street market here in Sicily and after hemming them, wanted to add some baby motifs to the top of the sheets. But how?[…]
Hi all! Well, being pregnant certainly has exciting moments…..one of which is finding out that you are having a girl! =) So when I was at the store the other day and saw this large hot pink plastic container, I knew it would be the perfect toy bin for our arriving baby girl as no[…]