Hi Everyone! A few days ago, I received an email to my blog from a sweet Brazilian lady who lives in Spain. She wrote telling me she saw my recipe “Quick 2 ingredient Pesto and Ricotta” recipe and made it using “Pesto Rosso” (made with tomato sauce\sun dried tomatoes) instead. She said it turned out[…]
Hi all! Well, these last few days we’ve been waiting to see if our little baby girl is ready to enter the world or not. It seems she’s quite comfy with mommy and so as I wait entering my 40th week of pregnancy, I thought I’d share with you a simple, yet delicious recipe for[…]
Hello everyone =) Today I want to show you how to make the easiest pasta dish you’ve ever made…or at least I hope so! Only 2 ingredients =) For those moments when you only have 15 minutes to prepare lunch or dinner. The key though, is quality….so here we go: Ingredients: 1\2 cup of[…]
Hi all! Well first off, sorry about the long absence in posting….my parents were visiting us from California for 6 weeks and we were touring Malta and Northern Italy with them =) We had a wonderful time together and travelling is always so much fun, even if you are 5 months pregnant =) I think[…]