Knowing a bit about me would not be complete without knowing what I believe…..

I am a born again Christian who accepted the Lord at the age of 13. While still in California, I attended Shadow Mountain Community Church (check out and also enjoy listening to In Touch Ministries  (Dr. Charles Stanley, Pastor of the First Baptist Church in Atlanta, GA). If you have never really understood who God is or want to know more, I encourage you to check out those ministries. I hope these wonderful ministries\websites will encourage your heart, and walk with the Lord as they have for me.

Now living in Sicily, my husband and I are active and serving in our local church, Gesù è la Via (Jesus is the Way). If ever in Sicily, let me know you are stopping by!

You know, right when you think you have your life mapped out, or maybe the opposite, you see the Hand of God at work. Sometimes, the “I would never…” is precisely the thing the Lord has planned for you. Or maybe you think God has forgotten about you? Your needs? Oh, but He hasn’t! “For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans of good and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.” How precious is that? Here is God, who created everything in existence and is the One who keeps our hearts beating this very second, thinking of us! Or maybe you think your life is meaningless? Or that you look around and it’s just one discouragement after another? Well, yes, trials are a part of life, no doubt….but God promises to renew our strength, “Those that wait on the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount like eagles, run and not be weary, walk and not be faint”. Take heart, God WILL answer you and provide His perfect will and direction for your life. Do not get discouraged, do not give in, just trust Him. Everything He does is good. Reading God’s Word (the Bible) and Prayer is the key. A pastor once said, “Fight your battles on your knees and you will win every time.”

God bless you,

Wanita =)