What do you do with a chipped espresso cup? Make a pin cushion =) Since I have only have a few needles for hand sewing, I don’t want to lose them! And since the chipped part of the espresso cup was on the inside, I decided to make a home for my lonely needles =) It only took a few minutes to put together.


What you will need:

– A tea or espresso cup

-Cotton (or styrofoam)

– A small piece of square fabric

-An embellishment of your choice


Place a nice chunky ball of cotton in the center of your fabric (wrong side up). I used cotton because I did not have any styrofoam. If you use cotton, just be mindful that the needles won’t go down as far down as probably styrofoam would allow…but they still stand up.


Gather the sides and ends towards the center and close with a rubber band.


Glue the rim of the cup and place the cushion down into the cup. Let dry and embellish if you like! I added a paper flower I made using the same colors of the fabric.

Wouldn’t these be cute gifts?

Happy pin cushion making!

Wanita =)