Hi all!
Well, our beautiful baby, Rebecca, is almost 3 months old and boy does she outgrow clothes fast! She’s a chunky little munchkin and since we are heading into a very warm summer here in Sicily, I thought she may need a few diaper covers for all those pretty onesies her grandma brought her from California since she, well…digests her food very well….shall we say =) She needs the “extra protection”…. can I get a witness? And the beauty of this diaper cover is that it snaps open\closed.
Now, being the amateur sewer that I am (just got my machine less that a year ago), but loving it, I wanted to start practising making things for Rebecca. So here is an easy peasy, short and sweet way to turn an outgrown onesie into a easy diaper cover for your little one. It’s super quick…no worries on time =)
Note: The diaper cover I made here is from a 0-3 month old onesie for a 3-6 month old diaper cover using a 15-16 inch elastic….you can adjust it according to the measurements of your baby. Note: The onesie should be only about 1-3 months outgrown…otherwise you may find the leg openings too small for the size you are trying to make.)
Grab a old or outgrown stretchy onesie (that you are willing to part with….maybe it’s just me, but I’m very sentimental about my baby’s clothes, it must be a first time mom thing?? =) and cut it just a bit above the waist. Rebecca is tall, so I like to give her more room up there.
Turn it inside out and sew a 1\2 inch seam all around the waist, being careful to leave a gap at the end to insert your elastic.
Here’s my gap….(see the tip of the scissors?)
Next, using a safety pin, insert your elastic into the seam and out the other end. When you reach the end. Sew the two elastic ends together and tuck it back inside the seam. Sew the seam shut. That’s it =)
Happy diaper cover making!
Wanita =)
One Comment
Hi I love your idea making a diaper cover out of the bottom, also you could use the top piece to make one of those cute baby gowns made from a onesie found on Pinterest to give as a gift! Awesome