I’m sure this commercial has well circled the Internet by now……for those who haven’t seen it, it’s really a cute commercial made by Fiat to advertise the Fiat 500 in the USA. My husband came across this and we thought it needed to be shared! So in case you buy the new Fiat 500, an[…]
For those of you who haven’t heard of Siracusa….it’s a city here in Sicily with a touristic island attached, named Ortigia. If you google “Siracusa” or “Ortigia”, no doubt you will find tons of touristic photos. On Monday, my husband and I spend the day there since it’s only and hour from where we live.[…]
For those of you who know my neighbor, Sara (…see my posts on her delicious homemade pasta recipes!) her husband, Michele (pronounced in Italian “mee-keh-leh”) has the most amazing garden I have ever seen. If you walk in their front yard, you are not going to find an HGTV perfectly manicured garden. Rather you are[…]
As the first post of my new series, Eye on Sicily – Local Businesses Tried and True For Travelers, let me introduce you to a terrific shuttle service! For those of you who don’t know what this series is all about, here I try to provide you with names of local businesses and agencies and[…]
Get ready, this is as authentic as it gets! Today, my neighbor here in Sicily, Sara, called me, “Wanita, vieni, dobbiamo fare i cavatelli!” (Wanita, come, we have to make cavatelli!”) And so we did! It was soooo good and you will get the authentic feel for how it was done in the past and[…]
If you have ever been to Italy, you will know that street markets are part of Italian life. All across Italy, there are street markets ranging from small to large, commercial to authentic, food to antiques,….you name it, they sell it. These markets are what make Italy! My husband, friend and I went to a[…]
Garlic and red onion season here in Sicily finally arrived! Garlic and onion braids are now being sold by street vendors everywhere =) Life is good! As we were finishing up running some errands a few days ago, I spotted one of these vendors as we passed by and shrieked to my husband…”Oooohhhh garlic and[…]
For those of you who have never been to the City of Ragusa, here in Sicily (Italy), let me take you on a quick trip =) Ragusa Ibla (the historic part of Ragusa), being only about 20 kilometers from where we live, is a great place to relax and taste the “authentic south” of Italy.[…]
My in-laws have a house in the country with a large amount of land. So as we get ready to enter summertime here in Sicily, what do you see sprouting everywhere? Peas and fava beans! Ok, I’ll pass on the fava beans, but the peas are just delicious. We collected some to bring back home[…]
The other day, we went to the nearby port town of Pozzallo. Why? Because we love a good panino! You have to understand that an Italian panino isn’t like any other. First of all, most of them come with french fries inside……yes, I’ve died and gone to heaven! Now coming from California, I never ate[…]