Hi Everyone! Anybody have a baby who is notorious for losing their pacifier or teething ring? Well, our daughter never liked the pacifier…..(she prefers her last two fingers together in her mouth…funny, I know!)…however has this small and light teething pretzel she loves to death. Since she already lost one, I wasn’t about to lose[…]
Hi everyone! Well our precious baby girl is growing like a weed, and so is her hair! I find myself constantly pushing her bangs towards the side of her head. I really don’t want to put any clips in her hair for now as I’m a bit scared they will fall off and she’ll place[…]
Hi Everyone =) As most of you know, I continue to up-cycle my 6 month old’s outgrown clothes. So now, as we enter the fall here in Sicily, Rebecca’s footsies need a little covering after being nice and naked for 3 hot summer months…but I must confess, this baby DOESN’T want to cover her feet.[…]
Hi Everyone! Well, now that our daughter has started eating soft foods, I am excited to share with you an easy and delicious way to prepare creamy vegetable purée. Our daughter, Rebecca, loves meat….so I add this purée to her organic jar of meat. I’ve also added cream of rice to the purée….basically any[…]
Hi Everyone! Well, as summer is ending and fall is beginning here in Sicily, figs are everywhere. Yummy, plumpy green and purple deliciously sweet figs. My husband and I love fig jam and so as yearly tradition calls, I always make fig jam. In this post, I’m going to show you how incredibly easy it[…]
Hi Everyone! Well, if you love to cook like I do, but have limited pots and pan storage, then you are probably a pretty smart “stacker”. I can actually stack 5 ceramic pans if I angle the handles just right =) The one thing I do though, is put kitchen towels in between as I[…]
Hi all =) Continuing on with my re-purposing and up-cycling….here’s another quick (and professional looking) way to add puff sleeves for the amateur sewer like myself! As you know, I’m up-cycling all of Rebecca’s baby clothing for as long and as far as I can =P So how about adding some puff sleeves to a[…]
Hi everyone! About a week ago, we were with my in-laws at their country home for lunch. While there, we discovered that they have several wild blackberry bushes. So since my husband and I love berry jams, I thought I would turn these tiny blackberries, called “more” (pronounced “mo-reh”) in Italian, into yummy jam.[…]
Hi all =) Well, as for my up-cycling, re-purposing, revamping, baby clothes go, I discovered a cute trick I wanted to share with you! I took one of Rebecca’s outgrown skirts (too tight around the waist…at 4 months olds, my muchkin eats!) and took out the elastic. I then made a 1\2 inch seam and[…]
Hi Everyone! As many of you know, I am on a roll when it comes to re-purposing Rebecca’s outgrown clothes. So I wanted to share a clever trick with you. My 4 month old is a big drooler. She loves to smile and as a result, drools all over her shirt. So rather than keep[…]