Hi Everyone! Today I stopped by my local butcher and bought some fresh ricotta delivered to him early this morning (.….Yes, the butcher sells fresh ricotta along with fresh bread and fresh eggs…) to make some “cheater’s” tortelli. The idea came to me yesterday morning since I had some lasagna sheets in the fridge and[…]
Hi Everyone! A few weeks ago, my friend Daniela (the one who gave me the famously delicious Italian Apple Cake recipe…see post) invited us to a delicious pizzeria ristorante called “Oro del Etna”. She had been telling us about it, so we decided to make the journey to Catania. It’s found at the base of[…]
Hi Everyone! A few days ago we had bought some rotisserie chicken for dinner as we were out and about. I love rotisserie chicken and it makes a quick meal after running errands or food shopping. What I do it break apart the pieces so that they are not quite shredded, but small enough. Having[…]
Hi Everyone! It’s getting chilly here in Sicily and our 6 month old daughter flips and flops like a fish out of water when sleeping. Keeping the blankets on her is like teaching a me to sing opera…it’s never going to happen! So rather than layer her with more clothing, I thought I’d try a[…]
Hi Everyone! Anybody have a baby who is notorious for losing their pacifier or teething ring? Well, our daughter never liked the pacifier…..(she prefers her last two fingers together in her mouth…funny, I know!)…however has this small and light teething pretzel she loves to death. Since she already lost one, I wasn’t about to lose[…]
Hi everyone! Well our precious baby girl is growing like a weed, and so is her hair! I find myself constantly pushing her bangs towards the side of her head. I really don’t want to put any clips in her hair for now as I’m a bit scared they will fall off and she’ll place[…]
Hi Everybody =) Today we went to my in-laws for lunch, as we do most Sundays, and of course my mother-in-law baked Sicilian bread in the wood oven she has. Being the bread lover I am, I had to share a picture with you. This bread is so aromatic and delicious…if only we had “smell-a-vision”![…]
Hi Everyone =) As most of you know, I continue to up-cycle my 6 month old’s outgrown clothes. So now, as we enter the fall here in Sicily, Rebecca’s footsies need a little covering after being nice and naked for 3 hot summer months…but I must confess, this baby DOESN’T want to cover her feet.[…]
Hi Everyone! Well, now that our daughter has started eating soft foods, I am excited to share with you an easy and delicious way to prepare creamy vegetable purée. Our daughter, Rebecca, loves meat….so I add this purée to her organic jar of meat. I’ve also added cream of rice to the purée….basically any[…]
Hi Everyone =) A few mornings ago, I was craving a cornetto from the bakery. Here in Sicily, one of the most common breakfast items you will find is a cornetto, which is a croissant with sugar on top. There is nothing like a cornetto with a good cup of cappuccino. So my husband made[…]